The A+P Recruiting KG guarantee interested foreign skilled workers:

  • Selected reputable employers in Germany

  • Attractive working conditions

  • A long-term placement in Germany

  • Qualified training centers for your preparatory course for the exam or adaptation course

  • Occupational recognition / equivalence assessment

We guarantee a high service quality and transparent processes. With us, employers and nursing staff get everything from a single source. This means that we organize and carry out everything from the first interview with the nurse and the employer up to the beginning of the employment relationship.

We advise interested nursing staff in a personal information meeting and check whether the necessary requirements are met. In this orientation, the nurse is informed about the entire process that is necessary in order to be able to exercise her profession in Germany.

All measures necessary to enable the foreign nurse to enter and gain access to the German labor market will be taken. These can be language courses, visa applications and recognition of degrees in Germany.

The employer and the foreign skilled worker get to know each other in a conversation via video call.

After successful completion of all necessary measures, the planning for the entry of the foreign skilled worker can begin. All preparations at home and abroad, such as the coordination of flights and the search for accommodation, are accompanied by A+P Recruiting KG.